Wednesday, 1 February 2012

The Arc Shows Advertisement

The Arc Shows website has many options to choose from and as you see in the top right corner of the site they have their banner, which is always the same and I think the reason for this is, if they chose different colours people would become unfamiliar with their logo. It's a very bright web page, which I think represents it being a light show, with different colours, pictures and many options to choose from.

This is how The ARC Show's new website looks as over the last couple of months they announced that Design PRIMA will run along side them at the event.

The Arc Show has a Facebook page and does use it well by showing plenty of photos and adding them on a regular basis but they only have 488 likes and does link their page with any other social site i.e. Twitter. As for their Twitter page they promote on this all the time with a few posts everyday and again they have their same bright colour scheme on here with the same features as their banner but only have a fan base of 1,125. This says to me that they do not rely to much on the social media side of thing's.

This video is from The ARC Show at Earls Court in London back in 2010. As the man at the beginning of the video say "we've seen interior designers, manufacturers and lighting designers" and such, so this is evidence that at the show, the businesses attending know who their target audience and here it shows that they are business people attending to see the latest products to put in their shop or office, though you will get public to have a look around but most of the public that go will be wealthy enough to buy such products. Though a lot of people who attend will also be there for networking and to try and promote their business.

This is the arc shows main banner which has been used in business magazines such as on office magazines and bd magazine. This banner will also feature on any business website that is connected with The Arc Show. Also at the beginning of the video above the banner was shown in its colours.

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